The Strip, Aerial Projection
(Allied Gen Gravel Pit)

This image shows the area that now constitutes The Strip, shown as the area above the highway (US Route 77 N/S).Before conversion into a major strip retail center, it was a gravel excavation site for Allied General. Afterwards, The Strip has become a major retail center and employer in the North Canton area. Conversely, the area is also a source of gridlock, low wage employment, and light pollution. Furthermore, the Wal-Mart store will be replaced by a larger facility behind The Strip. Concerns are that the old store will not be reoccupied for some time.
Thanks to Bob DeHoff for acquisition of this photo.
To contrast against the near ubiquitous Tinseltown 10 and 14-theater movie chains, shown is an image of the Park Theater, on North Canton's Main Street. Although demolished in the middle of the century, theaters like this are becoming popular in the trendier parts of cities.

Photo courtesy N. Canton Heritage Society